// Trim function to trim the leading and trailing spaces. function trim(l_str) { var l_str_string = new String(l_str); // local variable to store the string var l_int_length = l_str_string . length; // local variable to store the length of string var l_str_temp = new String(''); // local variable to store the string var l_b_flag = true; // local variable to store the boolean value for(l_int_i = 0; l_int_i <= l_int_length - 1; ++l_int_i) // start of for loop to check for space from first { if (l_b_flag == true && l_str_string.charAt(l_int_i) == ' ') // checks for space { l_b_flag = true; } // end of check space if else { l_b_flag = false; l_str_temp = l_str_string.substring(l_int_i); break; } // end of check space else if (l_int_i == l_int_length - 1) // checks for length { return l_str_temp; } // end of length check if } // end of chack space from first for loop l_int_length = l_str_temp.length; l_b_flag = true; for(l_int_i = l_int_length - 1; l_int_i >= 0; l_int_i--) // start of for loop to check for space from the last { if (l_b_flag == true && l_str_temp.charAt(l_int_i) == ' ') // check for space { l_b_flag = true; } // end of check space if else { l_b_flag = false; l_str_string = l_str_temp.substring(0, l_int_i + 1); break; } // end of check space else } // end of chack space from last for loop return l_str_string; } // end of trim function // Fuction which returns false if the passed control has null value (this calls trim function internally) function checkNotNull(l_frm_control) { var l_str_string = trim(l_frm_control.value); // local variable to store the string l_frm_control.value = l_str_string; if (l_str_string.length == 0) // check for length of the string { alert(TXT_Var46125); l_frm_control.select(); l_frm_control.focus(); return false; } // end of check for length if return true; } // end of checkNotNull function // function returns true/false function checkEmail(l_frm_control) { var l_str_string = ""; // local variable to store the string var l_int_length = -1; // local variable to store the length of string l_str_string = trim(l_frm_control.value); l_int_length = l_str_string.length; if(l_str_string.match(/[^-_.@a-z0-9A-Z]/)) { alert(TXT_Var46126) l_frm_control.select(); l_frm_control.focus(); return false; } if (l_str_string.indexOf('@') == -1) // checks for '@' character { alert(TXT_Var46127); l_frm_control.select(); l_frm_control.focus(); return false; } // end of '@' character check if else { if (!(l_str_string.substring(l_str_string.indexOf('@') + 1).indexOf('@') == -1)) { // checks for the consecutive '@' character alert(TXT_Var46128); l_frm_control.select(); l_frm_control.focus(); return false; } // end of consecutive '@' character check if } // end of '@' character check else if (l_str_string.substring(l_str_string.indexOf('@') + 1).indexOf('.') == -1) { // checks for dot operatore alert(TXT_Var46129); l_frm_control.select(); l_frm_control.focus(); return false; } // end of dot operator for(l_int_i = 0; l_int_i < l_int_length; l_int_i++) // start of for loop { // checks for allowed characters if (l_str_string.charAt(l_int_i) == '@' || l_str_string.charAt(l_int_i) == '_' || l_str_string.charAt(l_int_i) == '-' ||l_str_string.charAt(l_int_i) == '.') { // checks for allowed consecutive character if (!(((l_str_string.charCodeAt(l_int_i + 1) >= 97 && l_str_string.charCodeAt(l_int_i + 1) < 123) || (l_str_string.charCodeAt(l_int_i + 1) >= 65 && l_str_string.charCodeAt(l_int_i + 1) < 91) || (l_str_string.charCodeAt(l_int_i + 1) >= 48 && l_str_string.charCodeAt(l_int_i + 1) <= 57)) && ((l_str_string.charCodeAt(l_int_i - 1) >= 97 && l_str_string.charCodeAt(l_int_i - 1) < 123) || (l_str_string.charCodeAt(l_int_i - 1) >= 65 && l_str_string.charCodeAt(l_int_i - 1) < 91) || (l_str_string.charCodeAt(l_int_i - 1) >= 48 && l_str_string.charCodeAt(l_int_i - 1) <= 57)))) { alert(TXT_Var46129); l_frm_control.select(); l_frm_control.focus(); return false; } // end of allowed conscutive character if } // end of allowed character if } // end of for loop return true; } // end of checkEmail function // function returns true/false function checkName(l_frm_control) { var l_str_string = "" ; // local variable to store the string var l_int_length = -1; // local variable to store the length of string if (checkNotNull(l_frm_control) == false) // check for not null function { return false; } // end of checknotnull if l_str_string = l_frm_control.value; l_int_length = l_str_string.length; if(l_str_string.match(/[^ .a-zA-Z]/)) //for checking the allowed chars { alert(TXT_Var46131); l_frm_control.select(); l_frm_control.focus(); return false; } for(l_int_i = 0; l_int_i < l_int_length; l_int_i++) // start of for loop { // checks for allowed special character if if (l_str_string.charAt(l_int_i) == ' ' || l_str_string.charAt(l_int_i) == '.') { // checks for allowed consecutive characters if (!(((l_str_string.charCodeAt(l_int_i + 1) >= 97 && l_str_string.charCodeAt(l_int_i + 1) < 123) || (l_str_string.charCodeAt(l_int_i + 1) >= 65 && l_str_string.charCodeAt(l_int_i + 1) < 91)) && ((l_str_string.charCodeAt(l_int_i - 1) >= 97 && l_str_string.charCodeAt(l_int_i - 1) < 123) || (l_str_string.charCodeAt(l_int_i - 1) >= 65 && l_str_string.charCodeAt(l_int_i - 1) < 91)))) { alert(TXT_Var46132); l_frm_control.select(); l_frm_control.focus(); return false; } // end of allowed consecutive charater if } // end of allowed special charater if } // end of for loop return true; } // end of checkName function function selectOption(formname,opt_value) { var temp = eval(formname); temp.hid_radiobutton.value = opt_value; } function validateFrm(formname) { //alert(display); if(display) { var name = eval(eval(formname).txt_name); //alert(name); var email = eval(eval(formname).txt_email); //alert(email); if(!checkNotNull(name)) return false; //if(!checkName(name)) return false; if(!checkNotNull(email)) return false; if(!checkEmail(email)) return false; var temp =eval(formname); var inner_window_width=250; var inner_window_height=100; var shell_window_top=(window.screen.availHeight/2)-(inner_window_height/2); var shell_window_left=(window.screen.availWidth/2)-(inner_window_width/2); temp.target="Mail"; temp.method="POST"; window.open('', 'Mail','top='+shell_window_top+',left='+shell_window_left+',width=500, height=200, toolbar=no, location=no, directories=no, status=no, menubar=no, scrollbars=no, copyhistory=no, resizable=no'); temp.submit(); } else { alert(TXT_Var46133); return false; } } var double_quotes="\"";